Speech on Ramadan and Lailat-ul-Qadr
In this video Al-Sheikh Azeemi is explaining the Spiritual Significance and Meaning of Ramadan, Fasting and Shab-e-Qadr. How Quran was sent down in One night (Lailatil-Qadr) but we know that it took 23 Years to be sent upon Muhammad-e-Mustafa SAW. The Great Sufi Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi explains the link in both of these happenings from a spiritual, scientific & islamic point of view.
The speech is in Hindi/Urdu Language. You can also download this speech in audio format WMA (Windows Media Audio) from http://www.livemmhall.net/archives.html
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Speech on Ramadan, Explaining Spiritual Significance of Fasting & Shab Qadr
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Relief Activities for flood victims

Throughout the month of June 2007 heavy rainfall and tropical storms such as Cyclone Yemyin have hit the coastal areas of Pakistan. The deluge came unawares. Torrential waters have swept away everything in its wake – crops, cattle, homes, people, a whole way of life.
karachirelief.org is a banner that has been put up by the people of Karachi who say that they will not allow their brothers and sisters in Sind and Baluchistan to be alone in their time of need.
Most survivors have made it to high ground so thankfully their lives were saved from the immediate threat. However they did this with barely the clothes on their back.Now they face the prospect of slowly dying of starvation and disease.
Now they need you.
You need to help them make it through day to day life. With food, clean drinking water, Shelter & Medicines. Please check http://www.karachirelief.org for more information and how you can be a part of helping these people.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Life Sketch of Great Sufi Saint Baba Tajuddin

It is a great pity that nobody cared to publish his exemplary life--story and marvellous deeds ever since his disappearance from the scene of this world. I think it is his own spiritual blessing that i am inspired to publish his biographical sketch in these pages in order to preserve the glorious history of India's innumerable " Spiritual Redeemers " to uphold the eternal dignity of all ancient Religions.
Descent and Birth
The ancestors of Tajuddin Baba were Arabs. Syed Abdulla, a grand son of Hazarat Iman Askari, came from Arabia to India and settled down in Madras. The descendants of his family thus happened to live around this city for a long time. One of them, Syed Badruddin, become a Subedar in the army - Madras Platoon no. 32 and live in Kamptee. He married Mariam Bee, the daughter of one sheikh Miraan Saheb.
Syed Badruddin had a son born on Thursday, the 27th of January, 1861, at about 5-15 a.m at Kmaptee and he was named Tajuddin. But they were shocked to see that the newly born child did not cry, as usual, they feared it was still-born child and according to the prevalent custom, branded it on it's forehead and the temples. The child then cried for only a little while but almost ommediately stopped and kept gazing intently in all directions. The marks of that branding remained for ever on the forehead and temples of the pious child.
Please Click Here http://www.geocities.com/nagpurbaba/one.htm to read more about Baba Tajuddin.
Baba Tajuddin,
Islamic Spiritualism,
Love for Humanity,
Qalandar Baba Auliya,
Spiritual Knowledge,
Sufi Knowledge,
Sufi Order,
Ultimate Reality
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